Java Keywords
- Keywords are simple English words which are having predefined meaning in Java Programming Language.
- Meaning of these keywords can't be modified.
- Keywords are also called Reserved Words.
- All the keywords are defined in lower case.
- We can't use keywords as names of variables, methods, classes or as any other identifiers.
- true, false, null are not keywords but reserved as Literals.
- There are 49 keywords defined up to Java 2.
- enum is new keyword add from Java 5 so there are 50 keywords from Java 5.
- const and goto are keywords but no implementation available. You can't use these keywords in Java program.
List of Keywords
Data types (8)
Class & Object (9)
Access Modifier (3)
Modifier (9)
Package (2)
Control Statements (12)
Exception Handling (6)
Other type (1)
- Identifiers are the names which will be used to identify the programming elements like variable, methods, classes etc uniquely.
- Identifiers are also known as User Defined Words.
Rules to follow when we define an identifier:
- Identifier can contain Alphabets, Digits and two special symbols Dollar ($) and Underscore (_).
- First character of an identifier must be an Alphabet or Dollar ($) or Underscore (_).
- Keywords or Reserved words can't be used as Identifier.
Valid Identifier
Invalid Identifier
student number
Other Core Java Articles:
1. Java Characteristics / features / buzzwords
2. Java basic questions
3. Java history / java editions / java versions
1. Java Characteristics / features / buzzwords
2. Java basic questions
3. Java history / java editions / java versions
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